Criminal law
Criminal law
II offer you committed criminal representation against almost all charges and can draw on many years of extensive and varied professional experience. Through continuous training as a specialist lawyer for criminal law, I am always informed about current case law and new developments.
I represent you both as an accused and as an injured party in criminal proceedings.
Criminal defense
I defend you with commitment and competence throughout the entire criminal proceedings; from the preliminary investigation to searches, seizures and, in particular, pre-trial detention.
I defend in general criminal cases, in particular in drug cases, violations of the Residence Act, juvenile criminal cases, property and violent crimes, as well as against allegations of crimes in connection with demonstrations and political actions, from breach of the peace to coercion.
If you are confronted with criminal proceedings in the role of the accused, you face the state's power apparatus as an individual. This requires a strong, competent criminal defense to strengthen the weak position of the accused and to enforce their rights. It is therefore advisable to hire a criminal defense attorney as soon as you become aware of criminal proceedings being initiated against you. It is particularly advisable to seek legal advice if you receive a police summons to be questioned as an accused. As a rule, it is not advisable to comply with such a summons. You have the right to remain silent at any stage of the criminal proceedings. Information about the charge should generally not be provided without first inspecting the files.
In criminal emergencies
during searches and arrests
you can reach me at any time on the
emergency number
0171 7446039
If a search is carried out against you, call a criminal defense attorney immediately. You have the right to contact a criminal defense attorney and to make a phone call about it. If you do not know a criminal defense attorney or if you cannot reach one, you can call a criminal defense attorney free of charge via the emergency telephone number of the Association of Berlin Criminal Defense Attorneys. Insist on being given the search warrant. If items are confiscated, have a report issued to you and check whether all confiscated items are listed on the report. Do not agree to confiscations. Expressly object and try to ensure that your objection is recorded. Do not make any statements about the accusations made against you. You have the right to remain silent. You are not obliged to answer questions from the officers conducting the search.
If you are arrested, have the arrest warrant issued to you. Make use of your right to remain silent and do not comment on the accusations or other circumstances. Simply give your name and address and notify a criminal defense attorney immediately.
Representation of victims
Victims of crimes have rights in criminal proceedings, and I will actively support you in enforcing them.
The rights of victims in criminal proceedings have been strengthened in recent years by a number of legal regulations, such as the Victims Protection Act and the so-called Istanbul Convention. However, the implementation of this regulation in legal and judicial practice is still inadequate. This applies in particular to victims of domestic and gender-based violence and victims of state violence.
Victims in criminal proceedings have information rights and can have files inspected during the investigation. Terminations of proceedings can be counteracted by statements, complaints and applications to compel proceedings.
When charges are brought, victims can join the criminal proceedings with a private prosecution under certain conditions.
In addition, victims in criminal proceedings can assert civil law claims resulting from the crime, such as damages or compensation for pain and suffering, by filing an adhesion application. This can avoid a potentially complex and expensive procedure before the civil courts.
People who have become victims of a crime often find themselves in a difficult situation in life, which makes it difficult to enforce their rights.